The NONA Newsletter



Welcome to our very first newsletter — we’re so happy you’re here.

Today, we serve up the seasonal additions to our pizza and pasta menus, give a little love to our winter hero, and tempt you with the new treats at Pizza Flagey. We also share a radio interview with Emanuele, Head Pizzaiolo at Pizza Sainte Catherine.

Hope to see you soon!


Radio Pizzaiolo

Last month, Emanuele — Head Pizzaiolo at Pizza Sainte Catherine — was interviewed by Juliette Nesson at BX1 Radio for a segment on “Les Cuisines de Bruxelles”.

It’s a wonderful conversation about leaving school at 13 to become a Neopolitan pizzaiolo, the seasonal and organic produce we use here at NONA, and the secret ingredients in our fresh pizza dough.

Give it a listen here or by clicking the button below, and skip to 6:05 to get straight to the good stuff. (Just so you know, it is en français).

The humble leek

Our winter hero. So often overlooked in favour of its outspoken cousins — garlic, onion, we’re looking at you. But not this month.

Leeks have been growing in abundance on our veggie farmer Dries’ farm, so we’ve leant into their subtle, elegant, understated flavours for our dishes this season.

We hope you enjoy.

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