A very cheesy month

A very cheesy month


How is it December already? The dark and the cold sneak up on us every year, but we’re finding warmth by our wood-fired ovens and the promise of cheese this month is brightening our spirits.

We welcome an extra cheesy seasonal special back to our pizza menu this month, as well as a delicious new creation by our Head Pasta Chef, Letizia.

We also share an article by BioWallonie about our approach to food, and let you know our holiday opening hours.



Cheese please!

Every pizzeria from Naples to New York has a Quattro Fromaggi on the menu, so in NONA style, we wanted to do something different.

Our 5 Cheeses pizza starts with a classic base of fior di latte mozzarella, then builds things up with smoky scamorza, creamy taleggio, a punch of gorgonzola, and a generous topping of Parmigiano.

We’d recommend it with the liquorice notes of De Ranke’s Père Noël beer, back on tap for the month of December.

Available at Pizza St Cat, Merode, and Flagey

It’s a NONA life

Last month, our founder Sebastian was interviewed by Hélène Castel at BioWallonie about all things NONA.

It was a great conversation (en français!) about our approach to food, using organic ingredients, and working with local Belgian farmers and small-scale Italian suppliers.

Have a read for yourself at the button below.

“Optional” Stracciatella

Pesto di Rucola — or rocket pesto — has been a seasonal sauce of ours for a long time now. It’s the peppery burst of green that we all need during this grey time of year and we are always happy to have it back on our plates.

But at our most recent menu tasting, our Head Pasta Chef Letizia came up with an innovation that made our mouths water — the option to add a scoop of stracciatella.

It’s creamy, indulgent, and the most perfect topping. We know you will love it as much as we do.

Available at Pasta St Cat and Pasta Bailli.


It’s truffle season


Autumn pleasures